Expert Foot Care

We spend a lot of time on our feet – for some people it’s most of the day. However, when it comes to looking after them, our feet often get neglected. Failure to care for the feet can lead to painful, long-lasting issues such as nail disorders, corns, calluses, and dry, cracked skin. Fortunately, with expert foot care, these issues can be treated so you can get back on your feet again.

Pigari Spa offers some of the most specialized foot care treatments in Vancouver. The owner, Kelly Pigari, is a certified Master Pedicurist (Podology) known across the city for her outstanding feet treatments. Her clients can attest to her ability to recognize and treat many issues.

What is a Master Pedicurist (Podology)?

An expert in feet care, like the qualified Master Pedicurist (Podology) at Pigari Spa, is able to provide treatments no one else can. They learn about all areas of the foot and how to treat skin and toenail conditions.

Master Pedicurists are trained in the latest techniques used by foot and healthcare experts. This includes how to use pedicurist instruments as well as how to use burs in the most efficient way. In addition, their education covers advanced speciality treatments and techniques used for seniors and diabetics.

The kinds of services a foot care expert can offer would not typically be offered by a podiatrist. Whereas medical professionals can treat serious injury or illness of the feet, a Master Pedicurist looks after the overall health of your feet.

What conditions can they treat?

The specialists at Pigari Spa can treat issues such as onychophosis (build up skin on the lateral of nail-fold) onychocryptosis (ingrown toenails), overly thick toenails, calluses, corns, warts, and fungal issues.

It is not always easy to tell what is causing foot problems. If you are suffering from pain or discomfort in a specific area, it’s a good idea to speak to an expert in feet care. They will be able to diagnose the problem or tell you when you should see a doctor if it is more serious. So if you are experiencing any pain, peeling skin, abnormal growths, cuts or cracks, dry or dead skin, and infected or thick toenails, contact Pigari Spa for assistance.

Keeping active

Vancouver is home to some of the best hiking in the world. While it’s a great way to keep fit and active, walking or running for an extended period of time can lead to issues such as calluses, dried skin and nail injuries. If left untreated, they can become more serious and prevent you from enjoying the outdoors.

With that in mind, Pigari Spa offers treatments designed to help hikers and runners get back on their feet.

Give your feet some love

While the staff at Pigari Spa are trained to treat a range of conditions, they are also able to help when it comes to giving your feet some love. A non-invasive foot massage or foot reflexology  is an excellent way to relax and relieve some stress – especially if your feet have been working overtime. 

If you want your feet to look their best, we also offer treatments that combine foot care and pedicure to improve the look of toenails.

If you want to treat your feet to some of the best care available in Vancouver, call Pigari Spa on 604-875-0317 or click here to book an appointment.

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